Weight on Nodes

I have nodes with weight property (number). Ideally - those with higher weight should lie on the bottom of the chart and those lower in weight should be at the top. How can I implement this kind of logic?

What kinds of relationships are there between the nodes? Or are there no links or groups at all? If there are links, how would those relationships affect the weighting of those nodes?

Basically I’m wondering if your diagram has a LayeredDigraphLayout as you discussed in another topic, or if this is a different kind of diagram.

There will be links but it should not influence the positioning of nodes. So if a node that is heavier weight is connected to a lighter one- it just means that link will be longer. There are no groupings too(for weight will be numeric in value- cash values specifically). Layout is just tree

I’m confused. Could you please show an example of your tree layout and how you want the results to be different from the normal layout based on node weights?

Have you tried setting TreeLayout.sorting and TreeLayout.comparer?