When setting the instrument scale, why is the graduatedtickunit value too small and scale missing?


(go.Panel, "Graduated", { name: "SCALE", margin: 14, graduatedTickUnit: 0.02, graduatedMax:1, stretch: go.GraphObject.None // needed to avoid unnecessary re-measuring!!! }, new go.Binding("graduatedMax", "max"), // controls the range of the gauge // the main path of the graduated panel, an arc starting at 135 degrees and sweeping for 270 degrees (go.Shape, { name: “SHAPE”, geometryString: “M-70.7 70.7 B135 270 0 0 100 100 M0 100”, stroke: “white”, strokeWidth: 4 }),
// three differently sized tick marks
(go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V10", stroke: "white", strokeWidth: 1.5 }), (go.Shape, { geometryString: “M0 0 V12”, stroke: “white”, strokeWidth: 2.5, interval: 5 }),
// (go.Shape, { geometryString: "M0 0 V15", stroke: "white", strokeWidth: 3.5, interval: 4 }), (go.TextBlock,
{ // each tick label
interval: 5,
alignmentFocus: go.Spot.Center,
font: “bold italic 14pt sans-serif”, stroke: “white”,
segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, 30)



graduatedTickUnit: 0.0002,


The tick marks are at intervals of 1, 2, and 4, so a tick unit of 0.0002 would not divide evenly into the max (actually range, since it starts at zero) of 0.01.

The problem is further compounded by round-off errors in the floating point calculations.

Try a max of 0.01201.

Thank you very much.