Windows Presentation Foundation

Can you say if any parts of GoDiagram will be re-written to take advantage of WPF when released? (I am particularly interested in performance aspects).

Are you talking about graphics performance? Probably not, since we plan to have a separate product for WPF.

OK, now I’m incredibly curious… is this going to be a WinFX replacement of Go Diagram?
If so any more info…

Not a replacement, just another product for another (graphics) platform. It’s still too early to have any idea of what it will be like.
So if you have any suggestions or requirements, now’s the time.

I have a suggestion. Mainly, I just need a GoView that can be exposed via XAML. Also propagating through all of the existing events and properties so that they are specifiable and attachable in the XAML code itself would be great. Anything to keep me from having to use WindowsFormsHost would work. This does work, draws outside of its boundary, and also it seems that a GoView isn’t able to really use Dock properties correctly (since the GoView never seems to expand to fill any container that I put it in).
I own GoExpress right now and was going to upgrade, but I think I’ll wait for this new package. Is there a beta program that I could get into? I’m developing using beta 2 (Feb CTP) right now.

No, there’s nothing yet.

GoDiagram using WinFX and XAML would be very nice and make portability between desktop and web easiar. Also, WinFX opens up some very nice 3D vector object capabilities which would be really next-gen to see in GoDiagram. Check out the upcoming Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer for a taste of what WinFX can do for your UI(Win XP, Vista only): designer/default.mspx

hi walter

Will this be a simple upgrade from the current GoView?

No, that’s not possible, since the programming model for WPF is quite different from Windows Forms (or Web Forms).