I have changed the page property for a GoView Document to have a very small margin (1 mm).
If I preview the document it seems to be fine, but when I print it, it appears to have an offset in the upper left corner.
I’ve noticed that for my printer, the new .Net 2.0 property PageSettings.HardMarginX and PageSettings.HardMarginY show 0.18 and 0.20 inch values.
I’think this is a problem of the GoView printing code that don’t consider the printer hard margins when printing, but only when in print preview.
I am using GoView version
Is this an iussue fixed in a more recent version ?
My GoView class ovverrides this methods to set my page and printer properties:
protected override DialogResult PrintShowDialog(PrintDocument pd)
pd.DefaultPageSettings = pageSettings;
pd.PrinterSettings = printerSettings;
return base.PrintShowDialog(pd);
protected override void PrintPreviewShowDialog(PrintDocument pd)
pd.DefaultPageSettings = pageSettings;
pd.PrinterSettings = printerSettings;