

I am trying to figure out how to preserve tree expansion state while switching templates via a zoom action. The the code I have is:

    cmp.orgChartCanvas = new go.Diagram("orgchart-canvas-container");

    cmp.orgChartCanvas.addDiagramListener( 'ViewportBoundsChanged', function () {
        cmp.orgChartCanvas.startTransaction("viewport bounds");
        if (cmp.orgChartCanvas.scale < 0.9) {
            cmp.orgChartCanvas.nodeTemplate = minimalTemplateNode;
            cmp.orgChartCanvas.linkTemplate = minimalTemplateLink;
        } else {
            cmp.orgChartCanvas.nodeTemplate = standardTemplateNode;
            cmp.orgChartCanvas.linkTemplate = standardTemplateLink;
        cmp.orgChartCanvas.commitTransaction("viewport bounds");
    } );

standardTemplateNode and minimalTemplate node do not have the isTreeExpanded explicitly set to a value, so the standardTemplateNode when used, shows the tree in its expanded state. When I collapse a few nodes and zoom in, pushing the diagram scale below 0.9, the minimalTemplateNode is used, but the tree is ‘re-expanded’ again. Is there a way I can preserve the state of the tree while switching templates?

Thanks in advance.

Apologies - I managed to garble the subject. I am reposting this as a new topic.