how can I set DocScale individually(vertical scale and horizontal scale)
I need a fit mode according to the document size.
I already saw the drawDemo examples. ( RescaletoFit() method )
however, It also sets the horizontal and vertical zoom scale at the same time.(using DocScale property)
I just want to set zoom scale seperately.
class MyView : GoView
void Fit()
Size displaySize = this.DisplayRectangle.Size;
RectangleF doc = new RectangleF(0, 0, this.DocumentSize.Width, this.DocumentSize.Height);
float newscale = 1.0f;
if (doc.Width > 0 && doc.Height > 0)
newscale = Math.Min(displaySize.Width / doc.Width, displaySize.Height / doc.Height);
this.DocScale = newscale;
public override float DocScale
return base.DocScale;
base.DocScale = (float)value;
please, would you give me some example codes and advices.
thank you.