This entry contains the history of GoDiagram releases. Release notes provided with each release have more detail.
If you are running an old version and are considering updating… just install the latest kit and try it. You can install multiple versions of GoDiagram on the same system without any issues.
A couple of points about upgrading… it shouldn’t be too hard, we’re pretty careful about upward compatibility. The biggest change was the conversion to generic collections in 4.0. Our licensing mechanism changed (for the better) in 5.0.
GoDiagram Web has been superseded, first by GoXam Silverlight, and today by GoJS for HTML5. We still support GoWeb for existing customers… but if that’s you… it’s time to think seriously about moving to GoJS.
GoDiagram Pocket is no longer supported or available.
Version 2.2.2 is now available through the evaluation page on our web site. We’ll be sending e-mail announcements about it next week (I hope). Each kit now includes versions of all of the samples written in VB.NET, and beta support for SVG generation. There are a few bug fixes too.
Everyone that is licensed for version 2.2 will be able to use this–you’ll just need to update your assembly references in any projects and version numbers in any LICENSES.LICX files. You shouldn’t need any new unlock codes, but you are always free to re-request them for the same machine(s).
You do need to uninstall any other version 2.2 that you may have installed before.
Version 2.3.1 is now available through the evaluation page on our web site.
There are lots of new features; most are in response to suggestions, some are in anticipation of other new features that people have asked for. You can read both the summary list and the complete list in the release notes that are a part of each kit.
Some of these features are described in this forum:
2.5.2 includes some installation changes (mostly due to Vista), some improvements in GoDiagram Web (for IE 7), and a few minor improvements and bug fixes.
new sample: DrawDemo - displays GoShape and GoFigures, a Visio-like palette and GoDraw features.
new sample: NodeLinkDemo - GoDiagram demo application, exhibiting a wide variety of kinds of nodes, links, and tools (DrawDemo and NodeLinkDemo were created by splitting Demo1)
new Sample: Pipes - a simple editor for pipes with straight, T and L shaped connectors
Support for generics throughout the design and implementation (see GoDiagramGenerics for details)
See release nodes (WinReadme / WebReadme) for minor coding changes required by generics changes
GoPort has a new LinksRedirectedToSubGraphPort property that determines whether links connected to ports that are inside collapsed GoSubGraphs appear to be connected to the subgraph’s GoSubGraph.Port
Since IGoCollection now implements IEnumerable, you can now use LINQ on GoDiagram collections, if you are using .NET 3.5.
GoLayout - the switch to generic collections has improved performance of LayeredDigraphLayout (about 25% in the case of a 6000 node test)
GoLayoutTree - Improvement that avoids overlapping nodes on orthogonal links when compacting trees.
NodeLinkDemo - Sample tool code to prevent CollapsingRecordNode from doing a self-link
StateCharter - Add two embedded sample state chart XML files
GoWeb Specific Changes
new GoWeb.js - important changes for new browsers
new GoWeb.css minor appearance change for context menus
GoDiagram for ASP.NET 4.2 supports HTML 5. When you pick up the new GoWeb.js file for your project, you must change the HTML header in your pages to be
Anything in your web page that causes "quirks mode" to be activated in the browsed may break the positioning of objects within the GoView
- VS2008 and .NET 3.5 - VS2010 and .NET 3.5 and 4.0 - VS2012 and .NET 3.5, 4.0 and 4.5.
Note that .NET 2.0 is no longer supported. Continue to use 4.2 if you need .NET 2.0.
The major new feature is support for PDF generation from diagrams.
We’ve also changed how licensing / deployment works. Gone is the Microsoft style licenses.licx and
in its place is simpler, more reliable mechanism we first developed for GoXam. (There is still a
License Manager to run and activation codes to request…) Please read the chapter about
“Deployment and Licensing” in the GoDiagram User Guide.
And there is no longer a “Pro” that contains Layout and Instruments. Everything is contained in
one product for one price. Yes, if you have an active subscription for the old “base” product,
you just got a free upgrade!
For GoDiagram Web, the supported browsers for this release are IE 8+, Firefox 14+, Apple Safari
5+ and Google Chrome 21+.
(Now that GoJS is about to ship, we're recommending that over GoWeb. Seriously... HTML5
Canvas is the future for this kind of web app. And GoJS is an amazing product. )
The bugfix list is short... and that's a good thing. Not much to fix here.
fix InvalidOperationException: Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be
called on a control until the window handle has been created in
hoverCallback when deleting GoViews.
(GoWeb) new GoWeb.js - minor changes for move cursor on IE
Kits are on the evaluation page now. (If you have any old email from us, a direct link to the
download page should be on that.)
In addition, .NET 3.5 DLLs are in these kits, but they remain at 5.0.
What's new:
GoLayoutTree supports bus branching. Add GoLayoutTreeAlignment.Bus, TopLeftBus, BottomRightBus and BusBranching, plus minor bugfixes (basically all new work from GoXam was added back into GoDiagram). See the LayoutDemo sample.
New GoDiagram Evaluation explorer. One app to run to get access to documentation, samples, support, etc. (this cleans up the mess created by the Windows 8 Start menu)