Not able to start creating a link in GoJS 3

I have Shape element, acting as a port:

        alignment: Go.Spot.Right,
        margin: new Go.Margin(0, 2, 0, 0),

        alignment: Go.Spot.Center,
        geometryString: 'F M144 80v96H48V80h96zM48 32C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v96c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48H72v96c0 48.6 39.4 88 88 88h96v24c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V336c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H304c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v24H160c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40V224h24c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48zM400 336v96H304V336h96z'
        fill: 'green',
        width: 16,
        height: 16,
        strokeWidth: 0,
        background: 'transparent', // if not setted, pointer cursor will be displayed on svg path only
        portId: '',
        fromLinkable: true,
        toLinkable: false,


Drag event on this icon does not start link creation. The same code is working in GoJS 2

This code looks fine for either GoJS v2 or GoJS v3. I bet you have some configuration problem in your project. Could you please tell us exactly which GoJS-related files you are loading and how they are being chosen and loaded?

Please check that you are not loading the GoJS library twice.

Also, have you reviewed the list of incompatibilities in the Change Log?
Change Log | GoJS

Could you please tell us exactly which GoJS-related files you are loading and how they are being chosen and loaded?

I use RealtimeDragSelectingTool plugin for v3. Disabling one didnt resolve the problem.

diagram.toolManager.dragSelectingTool = Go.GraphObject.make(

        isPartialInclusion: true,
        delay: 100,
        box: Go.GraphObject.make(
          { layerName: 'Tool', selectable: false },

          Go.GraphObject.make(Go.Shape, {
            name: 'SHAPE',
            fill: `${COLOR.PRIMARY_500}11`,
            stroke: COLOR.PRIMARY_400,
            strokeWidth: 2,

Please check that you are not loading the GoJS library twice.

I use npm package.

Also, have you reviewed the list of incompatibilities in the Change Log?
Change Log | GoJS

Yes, I did. I replaced deprecated enums and undefined/null values for fill property, undefined margin values and so on.

Ah, which file did you load for this extension?

What build and package system are you using – is it using ES modules?
If so, you need to use the extension files that are in the extensionsJSM/ folder.

Also, what do you mean by:

I replaced . . . undefined/null values for fill property, undefined margin values and so on.

You probably didn’t need to do that unless it was wrong before.

Ah, which file did you load for this extension?

This one:

What build and package system are you using – is it using ES modules?

npm 9.8.1

import Go from 'gojs'
export type * from 'gojs'

import { RealtimeDragSelectingTool } from './RealtimeDragSelectingTool'

Go.Diagram.licenseKey = import.meta.env.VITE_GOJS_LICENSE_KEY

const $create = Go.GraphObject.make

export { Go, $create, RealtimeDragSelectingTool }

Ah, so that is the problem. Have you tried using the module in extensionsJSM/?

what is this? I dont see folder named like this

The package.json just controls which GoJS library file to use.

It doesn’t control which extension your project uses. We recommend that you copy the extension file into your project, although that is not needed if just loading an unmodified extension at extensions/ using a simple (non-module) <script> tag.

Complete removing of this plugin didnt fix these bugs, no matter wether it has loaded by script tag or module importing.

Moreover, I need to provide RealtimeDragSelectingTool reference to Go.GraphObject.make method, so I need to import one as module

OK, so there are additional configuration problems. Could you show us which GoJS-related files are loaded, in the debugger? Also, are there are any warning or error messages in the console?

There are less warnings if I import like this:

import Go from 'gojs/release/go'

gojs files:

[EDIT] No, you should make sure that all of your modules import exactly the same specifier for each module. In the case of GoJS, I suggest you use “gojs”. That is what each of the extensions do.

OK, this at least confirms that you are using ES modules (for GoJS, at least), and thus that you need to use the extensionsJSM/ files rather than those from extensions/.

It also confirms that your system isn’t choosing the “development” build but the “production” build. (That doesn’t matter for extensions.)

Those binding errors are real problems, because you are trying to bind non-existent target properties on the Shape and TextBlock classes.

However those binding errors aren’t the cause of the basic problems that you have. I’m sorry, but I still do not have enough information to figure out what’s going on.

you need to use the extensionsJSM/ files rather than those from extensions/.

what is the difference? I tried all these imports, nothing works:

import Go from 'gojs'

import Go from 'gojs/release/go-module'

import Go from 'gojs/release/go.mjs'

However those binding errors aren’t the cause of the basic problems that you have. I’m sorry, but I still do not have enough information to figure out what’s going on.

what information I need to provide?

Did you make sure that all of your files did exactly the same import?

The JS files in extensions/ can only be loaded via a plain <script> tag.
The JS files in extensionsJSM/ can only be loaded as ES modules.

If your build system is trying to use UMD/CommonJS modules, that would definitely cause your project to break. You should check that. But that’s probably not the cause.

Did you make sure that all of your files did exactly the same import?

I import gojs in entry file, then reimport one in other files:

import { Go, $create, RealtimeDragSelectingTool } from '@/plugins/gojs'


import Go from 'gojs'
export type * from 'gojs'

import { RealtimeDragSelectingTool } from './RealtimeDragSelectingTool'

Go.Diagram.licenseKey = import.meta.env.VITE_GOJS_LICENSE_KEY

const $create = Go.GraphObject.make

export { Go, $create, RealtimeDragSelectingTool }


If your build system is trying to use UMD/CommonJS modules

I use vite, which converts commonjs to esm.

What’s export type * from 'gojs'; That looks odd to me.

Ah, that RealtimeDragSelectingTool.js file is not a CommonJS module. It can only be loaded as plain JavaScript.

If you want, you can ignore these problems by commenting out the use of that extension tool, so that we can address the other problems that you have posted about.

Is the user able to do any interaction using the mouse, at all? If so, can you characterize the nature of the things the user can no longer do? Do keyboard events still work, or is there a problem with focus?

Is the user able to do any interaction using the mouse, at all?

I can drag nodes around only, keyboard events work as usually. No click or contextmenu events available now.

OK, so the only input event problem is handling mouse clicks.

Have you tried updating to GoJS 3.0.2?

Do you get the same behavior when using different browsers on the same machine? Or on different kinds of platforms, especially with touch/finger or stylus events?

Have you tried updating to GoJS 3.0.2?

Yes, its on 3.0.2

Do you get the same behavior when using different browsers on the same machine? Or on different kinds of platforms, especially with touch/finger or stylus events?

The same beahvior on Chrome 124 & Mozilla 125 desktop. Did not test on mobile devices.