Performance issue when adding nodes using a LayeredDigraphLayout in GoJS 3.0.8


I’ve been using GoJS for some time now in my company’s project.
At the moment, I am upgrading from 2.3.10 to 3.0.8.

For my diagram (see example screenshot below) I am using a layout derived from the LayeredDigraphLayout and I noticed major improvements concerning node layout with the update. So I want to say thanks to that, because this was an open issue on my end.

That being said, I am now facing performance issues with the layout in the updated version compared to the previous version.
One issue is long loading times when adding many nodes (~2500) and links between those to the diagram model. Before the update, this was done in about 40 to 50 seconds. Now it is about 4 to (under some circumstance) 8 minutes.
The other is decreased performance when zooming (and panning after the diagram has been zoomed).

Focusing on the first issue for now, following the documentation of the LayeredDigraphLayout concerning the major options that affect the layout, I tried different combinations of the following options:

  1. alignOption
  2. layeringOption
  3. aggressiveOption

For the first option, LayeredDigraphAlign.All seems to be the best value with respect to layout of nodes as well as performance. So I actually only compared LayeredDigraphAlign.All and LayeredDigraphAlign.None, with the former giving much better results while also having way better performance (about a factor of 5).

The second option produces the best results when using LayeredDigraphLayering.OptimalLinkLength. Using the other available options (LongestPathSource and LongestPathSink), turned out to not affect the performance in a significant way.

Lastly, for the aggressiveOption, trying out the different options seemed to have the biggest performance impact, while LayeredDigraphAggressive.Less seems to offer a good balance between result and performance. Using None had an increased performance by a factor of about 3 to 4 while the result was still acceptable.

I would, however, like to ask you for help concerning the performance here.

Using the following settings, I measured the performance of adding ~2.500 nodes to an existing graph with around 100 nodes.

layout: new BandedLayeredDigraphLayout(
    alignOption: go.LayeredDigraphAlign.All,
    layeringOption: go.LayeredDigraphLayering.OptimalLinkLength,
    aggressiveOption: go.LayeredDigraphAggressive.Less,
    direction: this.horizontal ? 0 : 90,
    isOngoing: false,
    layerSpacing: 10,
    columnSpacing: 50,
    setsPortSpots: false, // spots are set on node instead

In the screenshot below is the result of that analysis (unfortunately, I can not provide the profile data as is, since there is issue with the embedded chromium version of the Qt version we currently use in our client software, preventing saving of that data), showing the call tree with the calls that take the most percentage of overall running time expanded:

Performance analysis

The relevant code for adding new data is the following:

  private addHistoryGraphData(historyGraphData: HistoryGraphData) {
    if (!this.historyGraphDiagram || !historyGraphData) {
    const currentNodeCount: number = this.historyGraphDiagram.model.nodeDataArray.length;
    const nodeCountChanged: boolean = currentNodeCount !== historyGraphData.nodeData.length;
    const isInitialModelData: boolean = currentNodeCount === 0;

    let centeredNode: go.Node;
    let selectedNodes: go.Set<go.Part>;

    if (!isInitialModelData && nodeCountChanged) {
      if (this.extendedNodeUUID) {
        // After the history has been extended on a node, center the view on that node. 
        centeredNode = this.historyGraphDiagram.findNodeForKey(this.extendedNodeUUID);
        this.extendedNodeUUID = null;
      } else {
        // Find the node, that is closest to the center of the viewport to restore the
        // scroll position. The search area around the viewport center extends beyond the
        // viewport bounds in order to increase the probability of finding a node.
        // This is only done, if the current node count is not zero and the node count is changed.
        // by the added data.
        const viewport = this.historyGraphDiagram.viewportBounds;
        const position =;
        const width = viewport.width * 10;

        centeredNode = this.findClosestNodeToPosition(this.historyGraphDiagram, position, width);

    this.historyGraphDiagram.commit((d) => {
      const model = d.model as go.GraphLinksModel;

    // Update the row header diagram model.

    if (isInitialModelData) {
      centeredNode = this.historyGraphDiagram.findNodeForKey(historyGraphData.focusNodeUUID);
      selectedNodes = new go.Set<go.Part>([centeredNode]);


The class that is used for the layout is the following:

import go from 'gojs';
import { BAND_IDENTIFIER, BandDescriptor } from '../templates/data-templates';

 * A custom LayeredDigraphLayout that knows about "bands"
 * and that positions each node in its respective band.
 * @category Layout Extension

// NOTE: "Swimlane" layouts have the natural flow and growth of the layout go in the direction of the lanes.
// Nodes need to be annotated to indicate which lane they should be in.
// "Banded" layouts have the bands around layers of nodes that are laid out perpendicular to the natural flow.
// Nodes need to be annotated to indicate which band they should be in.

// Perform a LayeredDigraphLayout where each node is assigned to a "band", each of which may consist of multiple layers.
// LayeredDigraphLayout.commitLayers is overridden to modify the background Part whose key is "_BANDS".
// It is assumed that the _BANDS's data object's "descriptors" property will hold an Array of Objects, each describing a band.
// This Array determines the order of the bands, not the precedence order given by the nodes and links
// combined with the "band" property on each node data object identifying which band the node must be in.
// The node data "band" value should match one of the band descriptor's "text" property in the _BANDS descriptors.
// If the "band" property is not present or if it names a non-existent band, there will be a console warning,
// and the layout results might look odd.
export class BandedLayeredDigraphLayout extends go.LayeredDigraphLayout {
  private bandNames: go.Map<string, any> = new go.Map();

  // Helper function to return, if the layout direction is horizontal or not.
  private directionIsHorizontal(): boolean {
    return [0, 180].includes(this.direction);

  private collectVertexesForBands(): go.Map<string, go.Set<go.LayeredDigraphVertex>> {
    const bandVertexes = new go.Map<string, go.Set<go.LayeredDigraphVertex>>();

    const vertexIterator =;
    while ( {
      const vertex: go.LayeredDigraphVertex = vertexIterator.value as go.LayeredDigraphVertex;

      if (vertex.node === null || === null) {

      const band =;
      if (!this.bandNames.get(band)) {
          'BandedLayeredDigraphLayout: unknown band name on node data: '
          + band + ' on node of key: ' + vertex.node.key

      if (!bandVertexes.get(band)) {
        bandVertexes.set(band, new go.Set<go.LayeredDigraphVertex>());


    return bandVertexes;

  private walkAllWithinBand(name: string, vertex: go.LayeredDigraphVertex, depths: go.Map<go.LayeredDigraphVertex, number>): number {
    if (depths.has(vertex)) {
      return depths.get(vertex);

    let depth = 0;
    vertex.sourceVertexes.each(sourceVertex => {
      if (!sourceVertex.node || ! || !== name) {
        // ignore vertexes of different band

      depth = Math.max(depth, this.walkAllWithinBand(name, sourceVertex as go.LayeredDigraphVertex, depths));

    depths.set(vertex, depth + 1);

    return depth + 1;

  // eslint-disable-next-line max-len
  private determineBandDepthsAndLayerCount(bandVertexes: go.Map<string, go.Set<go.LayeredDigraphVertex>>): [go.Map<go.LayeredDigraphVertex, number>, number] {
    // for each band, determine how many layers are needed by looking for longest
    // chain of vertexes with that band name
    let totalLayerCount = 0;
    const allBandDepths = new go.Map<go.LayeredDigraphVertex, number>();  // map vertex to relative depth within band

    bandVertexes.each(bandVertex => {
      const name: string = bandVertex.key;
      const vertexes: go.Set<go.LayeredDigraphVertex> = bandVertex.value;
      const vertexDepthPairs: go.Map<go.LayeredDigraphVertex, number> = new go.Map();  // map vertex to relative depth within band NAME
      vertexes.each(vertex => this.walkAllWithinBand(name, vertex, vertexDepthPairs));

      let max = 0;
      vertexDepthPairs.each(vertexDepthPair => {
        max = Math.max(max, vertexDepthPair.value);
        allBandDepths.set(vertexDepthPair.key, vertexDepthPair.value);

      const bandDescriptor = this.bandNames.get(name);
      if (bandDescriptor) {
        bandDescriptor.depth = max;
      totalLayerCount += Math.max(max, 1);  // assume a band requires a layer, even if there are no nodes in it

    return [allBandDepths, totalLayerCount];

  private assignLayerToVertexes(allBandDepths: go.Map<go.LayeredDigraphVertex, number>, totalLayerCount: number) {
    // assign vertex.layer for each vertex
    const vertexIterator =;
    while ( {
      const vertex = vertexIterator.value as go.LayeredDigraphVertex;
      if (vertex.node === null || === null) {

      const name =;
      const bandDescriptor = this.bandNames.get(name);
      const depth = allBandDepths.get(vertex);
      if (bandDescriptor && typeof depth === 'number') {
        // reverse the layer number -- last layer is number zero
        vertex.layer = totalLayerCount - (bandDescriptor.start + depth);

  protected assignLayers() {
    // map band name to band descriptor holding name and layer ranges
    this.bandNames = new go.Map<string, any>();

    const bands = this.diagram.findPartForKey(BAND_IDENTIFIER);
    if (!bands) {

    const bandDescriptors: Array<BandDescriptor> =;
    if (!Array.isArray(bandDescriptors)) {

    for (const bandDescriptor of bandDescriptors) {
      this.bandNames.set(bandDescriptor.text, bandDescriptor);

    // collect all vertexes for each band
    const bandVertexes = this.collectVertexesForBands();
    // determine depth for each band and total number of needed layers
    const [allBandDepths, totalLayerCount] = this.determineBandDepthsAndLayerCount(bandVertexes);

    // iterate over the bands and assign layer number ranges
    let layer = 0;
    for (const bandDescriptor of bandDescriptors) {
      bandDescriptor.start = layer;
      layer += bandDescriptor.depth;

    this.assignLayerToVertexes(allBandDepths, totalLayerCount);

  protected commitLayers(layerRects: Array<go.Rect>, offset: go.Point) {
    // update the background object holding the visual "bands"
    const bands = this.diagram.findPartForKey(BAND_IDENTIFIER);
    if (bands) {
      const model = this.diagram.model;
      bands.location = this.arrangementOrigin.copy().add(offset);

      // set the bounds of each band via data binding of the "bounds" property
      const bandDescriptors =;
      let j = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < bandDescriptors.length && j < layerRects.length; i++) {
        const bandDescriptor = bandDescriptors[i];
        if (!bandDescriptor) {

        let k = j;
        let thickness = 0;
        for (; k < Math.min(j+bandDescriptor.depth, layerRects.length); k++) {
          if (this.directionIsHorizontal()) {
            thickness += layerRects[k].width;
          } else {
            thickness += layerRects[k].height;

        const r = layerRects[j].copy();  // first rect gives shared bounds info
        if (this.directionIsHorizontal()) {
            if (this.direction === 180) {
              r.x = layerRects[k-1].x;
            r.width = thickness;
          } else {
            if (this.direction === 270) {
              r.y = layerRects[k-1].y;
            r.height = thickness;

        model.set(bandDescriptor, 'bounds', r); // an actual Rect, not stringified
        j = k;  // next layer/band

      // Set the bounds for each band, that has no nodes.
      const lastBounds = layerRects[layerRects.length - 1];
      for (const bandDescriptor of bandDescriptors) {
        if (bandDescriptor.depth > 0) {

        const r = lastBounds.copy();
        if (this.directionIsHorizontal()) {
          r.width = 0;
        } else {
          r.height = 0;

        model.set(bandDescriptor, 'bounds', r); // an actual Rect, not stringified

    this.bandNames = null; // cleanup

Concerning the second issue of zooming/panning, I created the following profile, which suggests that a lot of time goes into updating the model. Please note, that this is an extreme case concerning the runtime. There are also cases where this takes half a second, but I wanted to show a case where every performed step is clearly visible.

Performance decrease zoom

The callbacks for the viewport change that are visible in the profile which I implemented are the following:

  private onViewportBoundsChanged(event: go.DiagramEvent) {

    const oldScale: number = event.subject.scale;
    const newScale: number = this.historyGraphDiagram.scale;
    if (oldScale.toFixed(1) !== newScale.toFixed(1)) {
      // Calculate the padding dependent on the scale. This way, the given target width is
      // always translated into the correct document width.
      // The fixed target width is the width of the filter panel. See the corresponding style sheet.
      // Might be better to get that value from the filter panel component.
      // However, this needs further changes.
      this.historyGraphDiagram.padding = HistoryGraphComponent.calculateMargin(
        500, newScale,

      // Update the link scale when the diagram layout has changed, e.g. when new links were added,
      // so that those links get the diagram link scale.

// Ensures, that row header diagram and history graph diagram have the same vertical position and scale,
// after the viewport bounds of the history graph diagram have changed.
private syncRowHeaderDiagramWithHistoryGraphDiagram() {
if (this.syncingViewPorts) {

this.syncingViewPorts = true;
this.rowHeaderDiagram.scale = this.historyGraphDiagram.scale;
this.rowHeaderDiagram.position = new go.Point(0, this.historyGraphDiagram.position.y + SYNC_DIAGRAMS_POSITION_Y_OFFSET);
this.rowHeaderDiagram.minScale = this.historyGraphDiagram.minScale;
this.rowHeaderDiagram.maxScale = this.historyGraphDiagram.maxScale;
this.syncingViewPorts = false;



// Update the scale for drawing the links with the given diagram scale.
private updateDiagramLinkScale(scale: number): void {
if (scale > 1) {
// Skip update, since the maximum scale for the links should be 1 in order
// to prevent links getting too wide when zooming closer into the diagram.

const model = this.historyGraphDiagram.model as go.GraphLinksModel;
// Update the model property in order to notify the link template that data
// has changed and redrawing is necessary. See also
model.setDataProperty(model.modelData, 'diagramLinkScale', scale);


// Ensures, that row header diagram and history graph diagram have the same vertical position and scale,
// after the viewport bounds of the row header diagram have changed.
private syncHistoryGraphDiagramWithRowHeaderDiagram() {
if (this.syncingViewPorts) {

this.syncingViewPorts = true;
this.historyGraphDiagram.scale = this.rowHeaderDiagram.scale;
this.historyGraphDiagram.position = new go.Point(
  this.historyGraphDiagram.viewportBounds.x, this.rowHeaderDiagram.position.y - SYNC_DIAGRAMS_POSITION_Y_OFFSET
this.syncingViewPorts = false;


Thanks in advance for your help. Please let me know if you need additional information from me in order to resolve this issue.

My best,

Hi. I’m confused – you say that using LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption set to its v3 default value of AlignAll both produces the best layout results and the best performance (by a factor of five, which aligns with our experience), yet you say that you have a performance problem.

Are you saying that only when the model is very large that the performance of AlignAll is much worse than the performance when alignOption is AlignNone?

What are those settings? I didn’t see them in the code that you provided, either.

I think you then talk about a second problem, but I wonder if it is independent of the first problem and thus deserves its own forum topic, because it might get confusing if we talk about it here.

Hi Walter, thanks for the quick reply.

I am sorry for causing the confusion.
The performance dropped after updating from version 2.3.10 to 3.0.8, without any changes I did to my code. That’s why I wanted to ask for help concerning this issue.

I analyzed the different options that are available and wanted to show what I investigated so far and rule out options that could be tried in improving performance.
With the setting AlignNone adding those number of nodes took more than 15 minutes instead of 4.

I am sorry. I forgot to add those settings while adding the different code snippets to my post.
The settings are:

    alignOption: go.LayeredDigraphAlign.All,
    layeringOption: go.LayeredDigraphLayering.OptimalLinkLength,
    aggressiveOption: go.LayeredDigraphAggressive.Less,

I also edited my question with the settings for the layout I am using.

Yes, this might be unrelated. I will create a separate topic for this.

So in your 2.3.* code, you were using LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption set to AlignAll?

I’m surprised that if you didn’t make any changes in your code that upgrading to v3.0 caused any loss of performance. Or were there changes that you did make in upgrading to v3.0?

I see that you are using TypeScript. What is the compilation target?

I switched back to the old version. Actually, I did use the default setting there, which seems to be AlignNone. I tried AlignAll and the performance increased from the previous ~40 seconds to below 15 seconds.

Yes, concerning the layout itself I did not do any changes.

There were some minor changes regarding deprecated API, which I updated to the new API, but nothing that I would consider relevant for the performance of the layout.

Are you thinking of any changes that might affect the performance in such a way?

The target is es5. Unfortunately, updating to es6 is not possible - at least in short term - since compiling with es6 target causes issue in the browser version of our Windows client.
However, it is planned to update this in the foreseeable future.

The primary change in LayeredDigraphLayout between 2.3 and 3.0 was the change in default value for LayeredDigraphLayout.alignOption property. In 2.3 it was AlignNone for compatibility, but in 3.0 it is AlignAll for performance. I think there was also a bug fix regarding the routing of links that cycle back to previous layers.

Our implementations of go.Set and go.Map now make use of the built-in ES6 Set and Map, so Sets and Maps now use less space and time, except that iterating over Sets is slower in v3.0. I don’t believe that this would adversely affect the performance of any of the layouts.

I’m surprised that targeting ES5 works at all with the GoJS v3.0 library. I suppose your Windows client does have all of the needed features that are in ES6 or ES9 that the library happens to depend upon. We certainly have not tested GoJS v3.0 with any of the older browsers (IE 11, older Android).

Yes, I was also positively surprised that it worked, since I had to implement some workarounds for the tests, which are not as tolerant.

In our Windows client Chromium is used as well as in our Linux client. However, the version is older for Windows that Linux.
We hope to have this mitigated sooner rather than later by updating the Qt version we are using.

Ah, when alignOption is not AlignNone (i.e. packOption is not used), there is no automatic collapsing of the nodes in each layer when there are more than 1000 links, which greatly improved performance of packOption at the expense of poorer layouts. That’s why in v3 with the huge graph you are seeing a much better layout (since alignOption now defaults to AlignAll) but I’m guessing at relatively decreased performance. The alignOption code is still much faster than the packOption code in general, but perhaps you have an exceptional case.

Hi Walter. Thanks for taking the time and looking into that.

In order to get a better comparison between the different GoJS versions I applied all the changes and improvements I did to the branch in which I use the new GoJS version. I also set the alignOption to AlignAll to get a better node layout.

So now I have the situation, that the only difference between my two branches is the updated GoJS version and two minor changes concerning incompatibilities between 2.3.10 and 3.0.8, which shouldn’t affect performance.
Those are:

  • Replaced two typings that used the class EnumValue with the now used number type.
  • Renamed one use of the panel type “ViewBox” which is now called “Viewbox”

For both branches I created a profile where I add ~2.500 nodes to the graph.
They look more or less the same as the previous profiles I posted in this topic, but maybe with this information you get some new insights.
If not, I fear I need to postpone the GoJS update until we updated our browser and the got rid of the need to use es5 target.

GoJS 2.3.10

GoJS 3.0.8

One of the main goals I wanted to achieve was to benefit from the improved node layout, which I wasn’t aware was also already available for the older version.
So thanks for giving that hint in one of your previous comments.