Problems with GoLink

Good morning!

  1. I’ve tried to reproduce the same behavior in Processor sample but I couldn’t. But in my attached example the wrong behavior can be reproduced easily.

Any ideas?

P.S.: The first question is still actual for me.

Try connecting the GoLink to a node on each end.

I think what you are seeing in Q 1 (pic4.png) is the LineCap offset. Pointy arrowheads look weird if you draw the link to the last pixel.

Hello, Jake!

I tried to do you had said but the result is the same (watch at the pic6.png)

I’ve created the GoBasicNode on each end of the GoLink and set FromPort and EndPort to those nodes Port property.
You can see the result in my attached example:

Did I do exactly that you had meant in your answer?

OH! Look at what Processor does in “Add Point to Link” for Orthogonal links.

Thanks! It works!

About Q.1: I overcame that issue adjusting last and penultimate points forcibly by grid in Stop method of the GoToolRelinking descendant.

Hello, guys!

I discovered a bug in you product. I had thought that a bug somewhere in my code, but it isn’t. I downloaded the latest version of GoDiagram ( and used example Processor as a starting point. The bug consist of the foolowing (look at the picture bellow)

The orthogonality can be easily broken.
There are steps I made to achieve that:

  1. I added only 4 additional lines of code in the sample project (method Form1.Form1_Load):

    // initialize the view
    goView1.NewLinkClass = typeof(FlowLink);
    // My lines
    goView1.GridLineColor = Color.Gray;
    goView1.GridStyle = GoViewGridStyle.Line;
    goView1.GridSnapResize = GoViewSnapStyle.Jump;
    goView1.GridSnapDrag = GoViewSnapStyle.Jump;

    I did it because It’s easier to reproduce the bug when we have lines aligned by grid. When we have no grid snapping to reproduce the bug is very difficult (but possible).

  2. I added two objects at the GoView (Start and Finish)

  3. I linked the two with the GoLink

  4. After I aligned the middle segment by the grid and inserted a point

  5. Then I move the point down along the segment it belongs to and the orthogonality breaks…

We have a project that built on GoDiagram and that behavior is unacceptable for us.

How can we fix that behavior and retain the orthogonality?

I’m looking forward the answer.
Thanks in advance!

using the right-click context menu “insert point” ?

Yes, I inserted the point using the context-menu.

Well, I pasted in your changes to grid settings in my copy of the sample, and I don’t see a problem.

Can you email me your full sample?

Of course, Jake.
Here is the separated sample:

Here is a recorded video sample that reproduces the bug:

can you upload a .zip file? Sorry, but I don’t have the time to spend reviewing RAR utilities.

If you want you can use code from samples.
There are no differences other than that I provided already (4 lines of code)

Also I can provide a patch to the sample project “Processor4”

Here comes a zipped project with those 4 lines added.

Also we re-recorded the video of the bug
(comes as webm, can be open in chrome)

I hope these all stuffs will help you to reproduce the bug at last!

Jake, have you reproduced the bug?!

Guys, are you there?!
Didn’t you forget about my question?

No ideas?!

Sorry… I wasn’t seeing notification of these updates… a glitch in the forum?

If that really is the only 4 lines of code… I wasn’t able to reproduce. Let me watch your video and try again.

ok, this is weird. I see the behavior now. I don’t know how I missed it before.

Thank for the answer, Jake!
I’m looking forward to hearing from you again )

Jake, is there any chance to get the answer?