TextEditingTool not scaling

I posted my request here but I wanted to create a new topic because I wasn’t sure if a reply from a post from 10 months ago would get a response.


Either place is fine.

What’s the problem with setting the fontStyle attribute of the textarea?

This was your suggestion -
Yes, you could implement a “ViewportBoundsChanged” DiagramEvent listener that modifies the “left”, “top”, and “fontSize” style attributes of the textarea element that is the TextEditingTool.currentTextEditor’s HTMLInfo.mainElement.
I would like to change the fontSize for TextEditingTool.currentTextEditor’s HTMLInfo.mainElement. Unfortunately I don’t know what to set it to.
I don’t want to set the fontStyle for the textarea, I want to set fontSize for HTMLInfo.mainElement.

What have you tried?

I have tried to figure out where I can get the fontSize for the actual text block (the text block appears to change fontSize when the document scale is changed). I can’t find that fontSize value.

I can get the original fontSize for the text block when it is at 100% scale. The fontSize that I get is ‘0.75rem’. I could try to parse that and then multiply ‘0.75’ by the scale value and then concatenate the new value with ‘rem’ to get the scaled fontSize but that is a terrible solution.

What I really need to know is how to get the new fontSize for the text block that is scaled.

I think what you suggest is the right strategy.

Ick! haha, I don’t like that strategy.
Is there no way to get the new fontSize for the text block that is scaled? That would be a much better way. I wouldn’t have to parse and concatonate and also I am making the assumption that the fontSize is in ‘rem’ not in ‘px’.

It probably doesn’t matter what the units are.

I just remembered that I can set the fontSize to a percentage, which is exactly what I want to do. Thanks for your help.