I’ve been thinking about implementing a method, using the Tab key on the keyboard, to navigate through text items (GoText) held in a GoGroup. My custom object is a GoBoxNode with a GoNode body. The GoNode body maintains the GoGroup containing the GoText objects. The desired functionality for the Tab key in my circumstances would be that once one of the GoText items are selected (using the mouse to select), pressing the Tab key would move the selection to the next GoText and begin an edit on that GoText. Wraparound to the first GoText would occur when pressing the Tab key on the last GoText. I’d like Tab to reverse the selection order. Unfortunately, Ch 5 of the users manual doesn’t mention Tab key functionality (events/overrides/etc…). I’ve experimented with OnKeyDown and other OnKey… events for my GoView but they are not firing for the tab key. I’m not sure this is what I want anyway. I did find one mention of what seemed like similar behavior using the arrow keys in these forums but that thread was from 3 or 4 years ago and I wasn’t sure if the approach discussed in that thread was OBE (overtaken by events).
Your thoughts or suggestions on this issue would be very much appreciated.
R. Houston